I started pumping 2 days after Julia was born. Partly to help with "flat" nipples, and partly to start building my freezer stash of breastmilk for Julia when I went back to work. When I first attempted to live dairy-free, I threw out several bags of breastmilk that I had saved. I know, Horror of Horrors! I dumped that precious liquid down the drain! When I finally figured out how to truly eliminate dairy from my diet (including the hidden dairy) I decided to keep that breastmilk, put it in a separate labled Ziploc bag, and save it in the deep freezer. Here's why: When it is time for me to test and see if Julia can tolerate dairy, rather than me eating dairy and Julia having to deal with the effects for days or weeks, I give her a bag of the "dairy milk" each day and see how she reacts. That way if she doesn't tolerate it I can stop immediately and she doesn't have to deal with the after-effects. So here's a word to the wise: Keep the diary milk!!!! Don't dump that precious liquid! Hopefully someday your little one will be able to drink it.
According to Kellymom.com, "many dairy-sensitive babies outgrow their sensitivity by 6 - 18 months, and most outgrow it by 3 years." Friends who have had children with diary sensitivies have told me that their children seemed to grow out of it between 6 and 9 months.
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