Thursday, October 15, 2009

Julia's Symptoms

As I said in an earlier post, Julia cried all the time. If we stopped walking and bouncing her, or if it was really bad, stopped using the hair dryer, she would cry. On a positive note, I lost 27 lbs of pregnancy weight in 6 weeks. I had to literally bounce with her all day long, except when she was sleeping. Julia would stretch her legs out and pull them in, over and over. And she would have awful nights that would progressively get worse. She would cry in her sleep, moving her head back and forth and kicking her legs. It would start at around 1 - 2 am and get progressively worse for the rest of the night(morning). Julia was regularly waking up every 1 - 2 hours, sometimes more often. She is still not the world's best sleeper, but she doesn't usually go for less than 2 hours anymore. Julia seemed to get a slight rash around her mouth, and a circular rash on her bottom. Since the pediatricians never seemed to believe me, I haven't brought it up at any more of her appointments. From my research, i think Julia's issue is more of a sensitivity than an allergy, but she has never been tested.

For those of you would prefer a bulleted list of symptoms, here you go...
  • excessive crying, inconsolable crying
  • pulling legs in and stretching them out
  • excessive gas
  • rash around the mouth
  • rash around the anus
  • poor sleeping
  • crying while sleeping
  • "writhing" while sleeping

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